Journal prompts for anxiety

Many people have anxiety; one doesn’t have to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder to feel moments of stress or anxiety now and again. Anxiety typically occurs where we’re worried or scared about a future event, whether it’s regarding a relationship or money matters or a move.

Most of the time, we can find our way out of this anxiety by talking to friends and family members and loved ones, or even on our own. But when anxiety becomes consuming and debilitating, we may need more than just casual conversation with our intimate crew. When those feelings start to build and take over for two weeks or more, usually that’s when a professional can and should be contacted for help.

Whether or not you’re already seeking therapy, a great way to help minimize heightened anxiety is through journaling. Journaling helps us release our thoughts and feelings while we sit in the present and recognize all the things that are actually within our control. We’re usually stressed and anxious when we think about things that have already happened, or when we worry about things that haven’t even happened yet (and most likely never will). Journaling helps us come back to the present and reminds us that we can be peaceful, right in the here and now.

Following are some prompts to help you get started on your journaling journey. Keep in mind journaling is not a replacement for professional therapy. It’s meant to be a support and a supplementary tool for your recovery kit.

1. What was the best thing about today?

2. What would make today great?

3. What is something positive I can do for myself today?

4. What is something positive I can do for someone else today?

5. What am I stressed out about right now? Why? What can I do to alleviate it?

6. What are three positive affirmations I can really believe and remind myself every day?

7. If I had control over my entire life, what would my story look like?

8. How do I feel when I’m stressed out?

9. Instead of feeling ______, I would like to feel _______.

10. What is a recent challenge I overcame? How did I do it?

11. When is the last time I was anxious about something that never happened?

12. Who are the people in my life who give me a sense of peace?

13. If I visualize my happiest self, how can I describe who I am and how I’m feeling and why?

14. How do I cope when I’m anxious?

15. What are the five things I love most about myself?

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