Mind-Body Psychotherapy for People Who Want to Thrive vs. Survive

Do You Want to Transform Your Life? Unhappy in your marriage? Looking to strengthen your relationship?

I will teach you How to Create the Change You Want, from the Inside Out…

Which do you fear more:  going for the life you want now?  Or regretting that you did not—at the end of your life?

Which is scarier:  the thought of pushing through your fears now or regretting that you did not when your life is nearing its end?

Which is more frightening:  death or wasting your life?

It IS possible to change your life.  It IS possible find peace, calm and happiness.  I will help you transform your life into the life you want.

What makes me different?  I am a psychologist, a life coach, a hypnotherapist and a teacher.  I have the wisdom that comes from 40 years of experience, helping thousands of people, learning what works and what doesn’t work.

I am your coach.  I use my experience to help you become the person you want to be.

 What do most people want?  They want to be happy.  They want to have fulfilling lives.  Happier Marriages, feel like good parents.  Have more control over their minds and their bodies.

I  will show you what to DO! To create the change you want.  It’s not just about the insight of how you became who you are but how you become who you want to be.  It’s about WHAT TO DO TO CREATE THE CHANGE YOU WANT.

Do you want a better marriage?  Or more-self confidence?  Or less anxiety? Or do you just want to be happier?  You know there is more….You know that you haven’t used your potential….

Call me today and find out how I can help you.

Gloria Waite, M.A., M.F.T., CMS, Cht,

Now working virtually in Mercer County, NJ and Bucks County, PA

  • "One of the things I love about Gloria is that she listens with her heart. She asks me questions most friends would not ask. Often friends tell you what they would do, rather than listening and caring about how you feel. When I want the truth, I ask Gloria. Sometimes, as we all know, we would rather hear what we want to hear, and we will go around asking everyone, until someone tells us that. And even though we all know that the truth hurts sometimes, I can rely on Gloria to be open and honest with me. She is a true gem and I am so fortunate to have been blessed with her as my coach.”"
    Elaine, Newtown, PA
  • "Gloria is an easy person to open up to, which led to discussions on many levels. She has vast experience in many arenas which helped to guide and encourage me to change some important areas of my life. I would definitely recommend Gloria to any of my friends and family who need help in resolving any issue. She is the best."
    C.T., Newtown
  • "Seriously, I want to say, thanks for all your input and guidance… It meant a great deal to me. Your thoughtfulness and courage in making everyone feel a part of something stronger and bigger than themselves proved to be worthwhile. This definitely gave me the foundation and the ground work that I need in order to move forward in a more positive light. All too often people find themselves stuck on this merry-go-round that they cannot get off and wish that someone would just show them how to jump or to stop the madness. When they jump is up to them but at least you gave them the tools and the know how to start or stop. So thank you."
    R.H., Los Angeles
  • "Thank you so much for the recorded hypnosis audio. I listened to it every day, and everything went well with my surgery on Friday. I was anxious, but it was much better than what I built it up to be. And, I was very proud of myself when it was over! You were a tremendous help!"
    M.C, Newtown, PA


I look forward to hearing from you

Physical Location


Online Sessions





9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


12:00 pm-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





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