Tarot Reading

When you are not sure what to do, or 

if you even should do anything about a situation, 

if it is not clear what decision would best benefit you, 

if there are choices you do not know how to make

tarot card reading is for you! 

 Cards can provide insight and bring clarity into the situation you are in and 

provide guidance about what would be helpful to improve it

Picture Tarot cards represent a symbolic language, which allows you to get an objective outside perspective on what is happening in your life both internally and externally. Answering questions of a reader, Tarot cards describe specific situations, show available options for development and change. Cards describe lessons about life and relationships with yourself and others.

Tarot cards are an instrument allowing you to get in tune and  stay in tune with your true Self and the authentic path you create for yourself to have a fulfilling and joyful life

Tarot cards answer your questions and evaluate your plans and projects from the point of view of your psychological and spiritual development. In other words, they assess if your plans are going to make your life better or worse. However, sometimes you may neither like nor agree with their conclusions because you look differently at your situation.

In contrast to psychotherapy, cards provide you with specific advice about what to do or not do in your situation, what can be helpful and what not. However, it is still your decision to follow that advice or not.

My Experience in Tarot

I graduated from a Tarot School in Moscow, Russia in 2013 and has been reading cards since then.
I consider tarot one of the tools that can be used in your journey towards creating the life you want and being fulfilled and joyful in it.  In my work, I use a Russian version of Tarot of Marseilles.

Appointments: What to Expect

Appointments are 30 minutes.
Usually it is enough time to explore one or two topics or areas of life (questions).
Fee is 50 $.
Credit cards are accepted.

Tarot cards answer questions, so when making an appointment you need to know what area of life or specific
question, project, plan you want to explore and assess. 

If you want to get a general overview, it is possible, too, but the response could be vague.

Appointments are available online to anyone who speaks English, Russian, Spanish or French.

To make an appointment, please contact me or use the client portal below.

When registering on the portal, please, choose the service label Wellness Services.

You do not need to provide any information beside your name to make an appointment.

To see what happens during a tarot reading, you can watch that video (turn on subtitles to get more clarity):

Topics of Readings


  • Assessment of a plan or project
  • Evaluation of a current life situation


  • Looking for a romantic relationship
  • Evaluation of a current relationship (any kind of relationships: friendship, family,
    coworkers, romantic relationships, etc.)
  • Guidance about ways to improve or change relationship situation


  • Looking for a job
  • Evaluation of a current situation at work
  • Evaluation of various career options (that you provide)


  • Evaluation of a business project 
  • Evaluation of a current state of your business 
  • Evaluation of ways to grow and develop a business (you provide your options and ideas)

In depth analysis of energies and life 
For people looking to be in charge of their lives and ready to do psycho-spiritual work to achieve it

Ray reading
A very particular reading allowing to learn two of your main energies. It is a free reading available
 to anyone who wants to learn their rays.

For more information about rays, and the reading to find out rays, please see here:

If you have in mind any other topic you want to explore, please feel free to contact me!



Monday - Sunday:

By Appointment Only

Contact Me