Safe and Sound Protocol

“If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer.” – Dr. Stephen Porges

How does the Safe and Sound Protocol work?

The music of the SSP has been filtered through a patented, evidence-based algorithm that highlights specific sound frequencies that help regulate the autonomic nervous system and stimulate the vagus nerve. 

How?? By Repatterning the nervous system through listening. it Helps improve nervous system regulation in children and adults to support many symptoms and conditions.

Backed by clinical trials and real-world evidence, and informed by Dr. Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory.


Enhances and accelerates the impact of other therapies, such as CBT, EMDR, SE, IFS, and neurodevelopmental treatments. Dr. Tiffany blends the SSP with EFT, CBT, IFS and Brainspotting, across a 5 Day intensive, to create Nervous System remodeling that is true change. 


Because humas need social connection. We look for cues of safety in other people by reading their faces, body language and tone of voice.

Some people, including adults and children who have experienced really difficult life events, are living with illness or injury, have sensory, learning or developmental differences, such as autism, or for many other reasons, may miss or misinterpret these cues as threatening. Trauma changes the way the brain responds to it's environment. 

Their autonomic nervous system may be biased toward experiencing the environment as unsafe, which can limit the body’s ability to heal and recover.
Male ssp

Auditory processing is a window into the nervous system. By listening to the specially filtered music of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) in the context of a therapeutic relationship, the nervous system can be repatterned to better perceive calming frequencies, enhancing autonomic regulation by changing the way it responds to cues from the environment.

The SSP helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system and improve auditory processing, leading to better social connection.

When we experience the world as safe, we can more effectively and efficiently use our internal resources to support health and well-being, building the foundation for awareness, embodiment and resilience.

What does the music sound like?

The SSP uses a wide variety of music, including some that you may already be familiar with. All the music in the SSP playlists are thoughtfully sequenced and filtered through the patented, evidence-based algorithm of the SSP.


The autonomic nervous system controls the body’s most essential physiological processes, including heart rate, breathing, digestion, and bowel and bladder function. These systems are primarily working automatically, beyond conscious awareness or control. Autonomic state is guided primarily by the vagus nerve (CN X), which serves a key role in communicating information between the brain, body and environment.


By sending cues of safety through specially filtered music, the SSP engages a system of muscles and nerves that support social engagement, stimulating the vagus nerve. This opens the door for other therapies to become more accessible, impactful and accelerated.

What can SSP help treat?

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Neurodevelopmental differences, such as autism, hyperactivity and attention
  • Learning difficulties
  • Auditory and other sensory processing differences
  • Trauma history
  • Sleep
  • Neurological changes
  • Other challenges related to autonomic dysfunction, such as eating difficulties, gut health, and more physical health issues. 
    • Recovery from Lyme
    • Recovery from Mycotoxin Illness

Dr. Tiffany offers SSP as an Intensive across 5 Days. She offers 3 Different levels of the Intensive with Level 3 repeated up to 4 times over the course of 18 mos.

 These Intensive are available and offered to Individuals ages 6-75, Couples and Groups. 

Autonomic Ladder

Please email for more information, if you are ready to heal. If you are ready to go from being stuck Sympathetic overdrive or shut down in Dorsal Vagal to Ventral Vagal.  Reach out at [email protected]