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About Us

Yolanda Barrera, PsyD., LP, Clinical  Psychologist

Dr. Yolanda Barrera is the founder and chief clinician of Bienestar Latino™, Mental Health services for Latinos in Denver,Colorado, also serving Latinos Nationally and Locally in Aurora, Englewood, Lakewood, Golden, Commerce City, Westminster, Colorado Springs , Avon.

Dr. Barrera is Licensed Psychologist, bilingual (Spanish/English), with more than 18 years of specialized training & expertise working in different mental health programs, with diverse communities, locally and internationally. Her Clinical and Scientific interests in the Mental Health field have been in the areas of Prevention of Mental Illness, Professional and Community Education, Culturally sensitive Assessment and Intervention, including Bilingual Counseling services. She is also engaged in Program development to promote Mental Health, Relationship Enhancement and Optimal Performance for Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups, and private and public Organizations.

imgMy ultimate goal is to work collaboratively with my Client(s), creating a meaningful, supportive climate where goals, growth and change can actually happen.

Our work together will help you find effective solutions to the problems that concern you and allow you to have more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Please click on each of the items below to know more about Dr.B. & Bienestar Latino.

Education & Credentials

Dr. Barrera holds a Doctorate in Psychology (PsyD) and a Masters in Clinical Psychology (MACP) from the University of Denver. Her specialties are on Latino Culture, and Couple & Family’s Assessment & intervention. Her undergraduate degree in Psychology is from the University of Los Andes Bogota, Colombia. She is also a Fellow of the APA-MFP, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC),  a Professional Facilitator of Psychosocial Development, and certified trainer in the Prevention & Relationship Enhancement Program for couples (PREP©), a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP).

Yolanda completed her specialty in the assessment and treatment of Couples and families with different experts in the field. She trained with Dr. Howard Markman, PhD, renowned Couple’s researcher and developer of the PREP, a Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program for couples. She also trained with Dr. Shelly  Smith-Acuña, Dean of the Clinical Psychology doctoral program of the University of Denver and leader of the year-long Couples and families seminar. Yolanda also trained in Couple therapy in Colombia with Leonidas Castro, PhD, Nelly Rojas, and Ma. Mercedes Brenson, PhD.  She has continue attending post doctoral Couple’s trainings and conferences with participation of experts such as A. Christensen, PhD,  J. Gottman, PhD., C. Padesky, B. McCarthy, PhD , E. Perel, MA and others.

Immigrant Latino Mental Health Expertise

Yolanda’s additional practice and scientific focus area has been on Immigrants mental health. She has attended to, and participated as presenter to local, national and international Symposiums and Conferences. Her commitment to continue her postdoctoral professional development, has lead her to attend local, national and international state-of-the-art trainings and conferences on varied mental health topics and treatments with diverse communities , and also keeping professionally active in the Denver Metro area and Colorado.

Awards & Distinctions

  • 2010 – Presenter at the World Psychiatric Association  Congress “Migration, Mental Health and Trans-Culturalism in the XXI Century”, held at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Paper Topic: Migration and Adaptation: Psychosocial Influences on Immigrants Latinos Mental Health.
  • 2010 - Presenter at the Colorado Counseling Association, Annual conference held in Denver, CO: Paper topic: Immigration and Adaptation: Influences on Immigrant Latinos Mental Health.
  • 2009- Selected as 2009- Master Scholar. University of Denver/ Graduate School of Professional Psychology.     
  • 2008 – Awarded a fellowship by the American Psychological Association/ Minority Fellowship Program (APA/MFP). Participated in the 2008- Psychology Summer Institute in Washington DC. Program: “Early Intervention & Prevention Program for Immigrant Latino/a Mental Health” , which will be implemented in the near future.
  • 2007- Invited by the government of Puebla, Mexico, as invited Presenter to the international Symposium: “   “Repercusiones De La Migracion En La Salud Mental.” Because of last minute health emergency Dr.Barrera had to cancel her attendance, but her presentation was sent to the symposium. 
  • 1996-1997 - High Academic Achievement Scholarship. University of Los Andes, Bogota-Colombia.

Professional Experience

Dr. Barrera has worked with Individuals, Couples, Families and groups of different backgrounds and circumstances; She has also worked with Communities and Organizations facilitating mental health & resiliency, cultural competence, sociocultural adaptation and integration, quality and life satisfaction and optimal performance. 

Some of the settings in which DrBarrera has worked include Regis University, graduate level affiliate faculty, the Counseling Center at the University of Denver,  University-based research projects such as the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center-UCHSC/ Psychiatry department & the Center for Marital Studies/University of Denver(F.R.A.M.E. Project); Denver and Aurora Public Schools;  Neuropsychogical rehabilitation clinic, Mental Health Community Centers, Teen Suicide prevention programFamily Resources Centers through Aurora Public schools and the Community College of Aurora and private practice environments. She has also participated as examiner in the standardization of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children in Spanish (WISC-IV-Español).

Bilingual-Spanish Specialties

  • Individual Therapy, Couples / Marriage Counseling, Family Therapy and Group therapy 
  • Bilingual-Spanish Psychological Evaluations for the following purposes:
    • Clinical: To identify potential mental health disorders and aid in helping you find the help you need, or helping counselors in choosing a better approach to their clients( Therapeutic assessment)
    • Legal: Immigration Psychological evaluations. 
    • Educational Assessment: To help identify Attention or learning problems.
    • Vocational: to explore Interests, Aptitudes to facilitate career selection or life direction.
    • Crisis intervention
    • Bilingual- Spanish Courses & workshops for Individuals, Marriages/Couples, Families, Schools, Faith-based & Community Organizations, to decrease conflict; improve Self-esteem, Relationships, Communication, and optimal performance. 

Professional & Corporate Services and Solutions: 

  • Cultural Competency Training and Consulting Services
  • Mental health Prevention programs and Lectures.
    • Preventing and Managing Depression
    • Anxiety and Stress Management
    • Conflict- Resolution
    • Healthy Management of Grief & Loss.
    • Coping and Adaptation Pre-During and after Relocation.
    • Trauma & Resiliency.
    • Suicide Prevention.
  • Mental Health Counseling Services for Employee Assistance Programs(EAP)
  • Critical incident Stress Services 
  • Program Development
  • Clinical Supervision.

Theoretical -Scientific  Approach

In Assessment, clinical intervention, program development and consultation we integrate Cognitive-Behavioral/Emotional models, Constructivist, Humanistic, Narrative, & Systemic perspectives; within a culturally sensitive model, adapted and tailored according to our Client(s) Needs, Stage of development & Stage of change. Being a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, (ASCH), Hypnosis is one more of the clinical tools in the service of our Clients.

In Trauma intervention we use different evidence –based approaches such as Trauma Therapy , EMDR ; complementary and alternative treatments such as EFT, TFT, Emotional Code among others.   

My Philosophy

My professional experience has given me evidence of peoples’ resilience and their capacity to actualize their talents and strengths when they use constructively their power of choice. I believe people can discover how to exercise this amazing power; By allowing yourself to experience how to unblock unhelpful thinking patterns and emotions that are stuck in your mind and your body; learning how to choose the focus of your thoughts, affirming how do you want to be and act/ behave accordingly, thereby allowing yourself to move toward a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Professional Associations & memberships

  • American Psychological Association - (APA)
  • American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH)
  • Colorado Psychological Association (CPA)
  • Colorado Assessment Society (CAS)
  • Latina Chamber of Commerce  (LCC)
  • National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA)
  • National Latina/o Psychological Association (NLPA)
  • University of Denver Latino Alumni Association (DULLA)