Groups and Classes For Fall 2020

Groups/Classes are conducted through Skill Studios Learning Center in Sacramento, CA .

Sacramento Office:
2 Scripps Dr #306
Sacramento, Ca. 95825
(916) 281-9661

Davis office:
105 E Street #2E
Davis, Ca. 95616
(530) 400-3275

Helping Men Become More Emotionally Expressive: New Skills For Men- A Ten Week Program- Facilitated by Eric Buck, MFT, CAMF

THURSDAYS 5:30-7:30 BEGINNING 9/27/18
(We will not meet the week of Thanksgiving)

Helping Men Become More Emotionally Expressive
Skill Studios Learning Center, 2 Scripps Dr. #306 Sacramento, California
Every Thursday at 5:30pm - 7:30pm
$60 - $60 per session

This (12 man limit) therapy group is structured with readings and homework. Each session is 2hrs long. Each session follows the same format: 1 hr. of Experiential Activity, grounding the group in the here and now moving them away from an intellectual encounter. The second hour is process oriented and provides a time to discuss the homework readings or any concerns that relate to the weeks topic. The homework encourages men to identify feelings outside the group and to practice them in context.

The men are taught that emotional expression is not something just for women or from their feminine side but that many emotions are a part of their masculinity. It takes great courage open up what we experience in the mountains and oceans of feelings that we have.We work in a safe place with the non-shaming protection and guidance of a seasoned therapist and the counterpoint of the structure of the class. These skills have the potential to strengthen our bond with the women and children in our lives, our connection to ourselves(self-esteem) and to the men we connect with as well. All men are welcome single or not. No matter which situation we are in we have more in common as men than differences.

Week 1: Introductions
Week 2: Basic Relationship Skills,
Week 3&4 Male Power, Control, and Competition
Week 5 &6 Career and Work
Week 7&8 Family and Home
Week 9&10 Intimacy

Call for free 20 min. interview. Cost of class is $60 for each session payable by chk money order at time of session or by credit card night before by phone. Pre-pay discount is 500 for the 10 session class-this saves you 100- this must be paid by beginning of 1st session. You must sign agreement for 10 sessions - no refunds.-Make ups offered as 1 hr individual sessions for same session price to reinforce homework and topic understanding. Eric Buck is the facilitator and with 24 years as a licensed therapist and coach. He makes an empathic, safe, and strengths based place for each man in the group.

New Directions In Treatment:
Class for What Family Members/ Or Partners Can Do To Help People With Mental Illness. An 8 wk. Psycho-Educational Class With Eric Buck, MFT, CAMF

Saturdays 10am -12 Noon Starting 9/29/18

Cost $30 per Class or if Pre-Paid only *$150 for 8 classes *up front by 9/28/13 (saves $90)
Q&A will be reserved for last 20 min. of each class.

New Directions In Treatment For Families of Co
Class For What Family Members/or Partners Can Do To Help People With Mental Illness, Skill Studios Learning Center, 2 Scripps Drive #306 Sacramento CA 95825
Every Saturday at 10am
$30 - $30 per session

8 wk. Psycho-Educational Class with very knowledgeable presenter on Wellness Approaches to Mental Health. Saturdays from 10-12 noon Starting 9/29/20. Learn new ways families can help & cope. Learn how contemporary talking psychotherapy mixed with new kinds of family therapy formats work.Consumer alternatives. Hear Complimentary & Alternative medicine approaches & contemporary psychotherapeutic approaches to depression, anxiety, ADD, hallucinations, psychosis,addictions- positive role of traditional meds/dangers to meds. Learn neuroscience of paranoia, agitation / anger. Learn new preventive and integrative approaches to help sensitive individuals.

9/28/20 Class #1
*What kind of Limit Setting Plans are available for Increasing safety at home for patient and family with incentives.
*The wellness approach to Mental Health. Overview of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine approaches and Talking Therapy.
*The steps to integrate The Wellness Recovery Action Plan(Wrap)
*The role of medication in treatment in the future.
*The role of contemporary psychotherapy in treatment.
*The role of family members: New Options
*The role of patients helping fellow patients

10/05/20 Class #2
What kind of mindfulness, or emotion regulation, or distress tolerence plans are available for family members and patients in addition to the WRAP(symptom relief and hospital avoidence when possible that includes either PRN meds or symptom reduction alternatives plan.
*Major Mental Illness like Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, Major Depression, Schizoaffective
*Personality Disorders, PTSD, Trauma and DID concerns
*When Substances are on board with Dual Diagnosis aka Co-occuring Disorders
*How to build in competing ideologies to avoidence coping or drug use
*What kind of Patient -Helping -Patient Plans can be used for Recovery or Socialization and how do you set this up.

10/12/20 Class #3
Mental Illness or Personality Disorders with Learning Differences(LD) like Executive Functioning Disorder, ADD, Aspergers Spectrum Disorder including NLD.
*Attention and the World of Work or supported employment
*Attention and the World of School or supported education
*What are the benefits to separating from Patient and what are the steps for this.
*What are the sibling concerns with those at risk and those with MI?
*How can you set up an individualized physical excersize plan geared toward symptom reduction with incentives?

10/19/20 Class#4
*How do specially trained psychotherapists make sense of Hallucinations and Delusions?
*How do most psychiatrists make sense of Hallucinations and Delusions?
*How do "Voice Hearers" make sense of Hallucinations and Delusions?
*How do alternative practitioners including Accupuncturists make sense of hallucinations and Delusions.
* How to tell which psychotherapist is right for you and your family and the differences between counseling and psychotherapy?
*How to use a breakdown and resultant hospitalization to become a window for wellness planning and implementation that could lead to breakthrough.
*What is being communicated when there is a breakdown?
*What is being communicated when there is a psychosomatic breakdown or disturbance?
* What role can Motivational Interviewing play in mental health and substance

10/26/20 Class #5
The role of skills training and emotional intelligence training, and art therapy, sports, socialization groups.
*Learning about communication
*Local options for New Approaches,psychotherapists, complimentary and alternative medicine practioners.
*Role of Neurofeedback
*Role of accupuncture and chinese herbs for anxiety, depression, ADD, craving and addiction
*The role of nutrition, hydration, and detoxification
*The world of the sensitive person constitutionally and (in major mental disorders, trauma, personality disorders, combat psychosis-- and anxiety continuum.
* The shrinking evidence for genetic inheritance in mental illness and the growth of epi-genetic knowledge and the case for neuroplasticity of major mental disorders.
*The implications for Recovery

11/02/20 Class#6
The Neuropsychology of paranoia, and anger, and agitation in plain English.
*The role of spirituality in healing and recovery

11/09/20 Class #7
What positive role can medications have?
*What are the dangers of medications?
*The role of Mindfreedom International and the consumer empowerment movement
* Cross-Cultural concerns
*Gay, lesbian, Bi-sexual concerns,Transexual concerns

11/16/20 Class #8
Yoga, exercise, The Gym, music, sports, Finland's Open Dialogue Therapy, Mentalization Therapy, Compassionate Mind Training, DBT, Dance Therapy, Britian's New Cognitive Therapy (CBT) and its Psychodynamic Therapy.
*Psychodynamic psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy in America & Worldwide and its benefits for personality disorders and psychosis.
*The single case studies of recovery from Major Mental Disorders including psychosis that you can read about.
*The role of the International Society For Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis aka:

New Directions In Treatment For M.H. Consumers

Class For Dual Diagnosis or Co-Occurring Disorders: Learn New Ways To Cope

Skill Studios Learning Center, 2 Scripps Drive #306 Sacramento, California
Every Saturday at 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
$30 - $30 per session
Pre-Pay package rate is $150 for all 8 sessions if paid in full by 9/28/18 saves $90
Q&A reserved for last 20 min of each class

8 wk. Psycho-Educational Class on Wellness Approaches to Mental Health. Saturdays from 12:30 to 2:30 Starting 9/29/20. Learn new ways you can cope. If you have a mental health diagnosis plus addiction problems or if you have MH diagnosis plus a learning disorder you should attend this class to see what is possible.

Learn Mindfullness Skills, Denial Management, Symptom Reduction Stratgegies, Pain Management, Relapse Prevention, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerence, interpersonal relationship skills. Learn which psychotherapy mixed with new kinds of family therapy may work best for you-or choose other methods to meet your goals and/or discover your goals.

Hear about Consumer run alternatives. Hear Alternative approaches to depression, anxiety, ADD, hallucinations, psychosis,addictions- Learn neuroscience (in simple terms) of paranoia, agitation / anger/anxiety. Learn new recovery methods.

Class #1 9/28/20
*Overview of the class
*Old ways we cope (or current ways)
*New ways to cope with addiction & mental health symptoms or learning differences
*5 steps to better communication
*5 steps to more confidence and self-esteem

Class #2 10/05/20
*Getting a clearer picture of your story
*What you wanted from substances
*How addictions get in the way
*Where do mental illnesses come from
*The old bio-reductionist genetic picture
* New Hope from understanding new Epi-genetic research, neuroplasticity and what that means in simple terms
*Complimentary and Alternative Medicine : What is it and does it work?

Class #3 10/12/20
*Consumer helping Consumer Options
*Why is recovery possible -What were you told?
*The WRAP method of staying out of the hospital
*Using Emotional Intelligence Training
*How to send your parents into psychotherapy
*Using DBT skills like emotion regulation, mindfulness, distress tolerence, and interpersonal communication skills

Class #4 10/19/20
*5 Steps to getting back into the community

Class #5 10/26/20
*Relapse Prevention of both kinds
* Denial Management of both Kinds
*Pain Management
*Reducing Cravings
*Time Management
*Choosing The right social scene for you and changing it if nec.
*Handling family static
*Handling hallucinations, delusions, anger in new ways
*How to find 12 step meetings or other kinds of recovery meetings that work for you
* How to choose a sponsor or mentor

Class #6 11/02/20
*New Ways individual psychotherapy & family therapy can work together
*Choosing the right therapist for you
*Can I recover without an individual or group therapist?
*5 things to remember about supportive employment or supportive housing
*When independence is your goal

Class #7 11/09/20
*How spirituality and spiritual activities can help or overwhelm
*What are the benefits of the new Positive Psychology and can you integrate it with older methods?

Class #8 11/16/20
*What about music, yoga, meditation, massage, sports?
*How to choose what is right for you and go step by step to find peace and serenity

Helpful Forms

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