Life is a journey

Fees & Insurance

Aetna, Banner Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), and Intel Connected Care are currently accepted insurance plans and claims will be submitted directly. Contracted insurance rates vary by plan and parents/guardians are responsible for all copay, coinsurance, and deductible amounts based on their plan. All other insurance providers are considered out-of-network and self-pay rates will apply. Upon request, superbills will be provided for parents/guardians to submit for possible out-of-network insurance reimbursement. 

Professional Fees:
Self-pay rates are $150 for counseling sessions and $185 for parent meetings. 

Accepted forms of payment include Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Health Savings Accounts (HSA), and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). 

Questions? Please contact me for further information regarding billing or payment questions.

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