A Closer Look at Reiki, Part 1

may 30, 2017

Recently, I shared some thoughts on how Reiki can impact our healing from compassion fatigue Reiki can impact our healing from compassion fatigue. I wanted to spend some time exploring some of the questions that were raised during that interview. Let’s look at some of the important points regarding Reiki healing:

Reiki therapy is a holistic, gentle energy work process that assists in physical, mental and emotional healing. It’s a simple and safe energy balancing technique that benefits everyone who receives it because when your energy is balanced and flowing, self-healing and positive transformation happens naturally. It works at the physical, emotional, and mental levels to release the energy blockages that create dis-ease. A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional.

I often describe Reiki treatment as analogous to radio or wifi waves. Our bodies are created by many things and each of those things has an electrical frequency, much like radio and wifi waves. The waves are always around us yet we need to be tuned in to the right station or network in order for the radio station or internet work. Reiki is much the same – the energy is always around but accessing it requires the specific training attunements of a practitioner.

While the Reiki energy that is crucial in Reiki session is one and the same, there are different branches or lineages of Reiki practice for treatment sessions. To put it simply, because Reiki teachings were disseminated then spread throughout the world, a variety of methods for delivery were cultivated. Much like the game of telephone, certain details and elements were modified or omitted as it was handed down. One reason for this is that teaching Reiki in different ways within different cultures made sense. Because of that, there are now about 10 different styles of mainstream Reiki, generally referred to as Western Reiki, and other smaller offshoots as well. The most common one of these is the Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho.

With that said, there is also a lineage of Reiki that kept the original teachings intact called Jikiden Reiki. Jikiden Reiki is less commonly known and is often thought of as more true to the original style of practice for Reiki. I offer both styles in my practice as I work with a variety of clients with different preferences.

In general, this balancing technique is a wonderful addition to any health program and can be used alongside other complementary therapies and conventional medicine, including psychotherapy. It’s important to note that Reiki is not a replacement for appropriate medical care. Instead, it supports medical care by accelerating self-healing, reducing pain or discomfort, and stimulating your body’s healing process.

That said, if all we are looking for is stress reduction, relaxation, and preventative wellness, Reiki can be a beautiful self-care practice on its own.

The International Association for Reiki Practitioners, or IARP, offers a directory for practitioners and has a code of ethics that all practitioners listed in the directory must abide by. People can check the directory for local Reiki practitioners and masters in their area or, since Reiki can be provided remotely, someone they feel most comfortable with. In selecting a practitioner, it’s important to make sure that he or she has adequate credentials. Make sure that the practitioner you select is certified at Level 2 or Okuden levels or higher which means they have been trained to provide Reiki treatment sessions to the public. Another thing for people to look for is someone who is willing to answer their questions, explain the format and structure of a session, and who takes the time to speak with them about their specific goals in seeking Reiki treatment.

In our second segment exploring a more in-depth perspective on Reiki, I will more thoroughly look at the mental health benefits of Reiki.

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Dr. Sally Nazari
(845) 236-5612

Practicing States: NY, FL, MA, NC, VA, TX, OH

[email protected]