Do I Need Treatment for PTSD? Part 2

october 14, 2016

A basic overview of PTSD was covered in Part 1 of this series. Today, I’ll give you some more guidelines in considering your options for treatment. It can be hard to ask for help, but it can be harder if we don’t get the help we need when we need it.

After a traumatic event, it’s normal to think, act, and feel differently than usual — but most people start to feel better after a few weeks or months.Talk to a professional (your doctor or a therapist) if your symptoms last longer than a few weeks, keep you from your day to day life, or are overwhelming you.

It’s also very common for people with PTSD to also have another mental health problem — like depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse. Often, people who have PTSD also have problems at work, in relationships, or with their physical health. Sometimes, these problems happen because of your PTSD symptoms. Getting treatment for PTSD can help with these other problems, too. After treatment, most people feel they have a better quality of life.

It’s common to think that your PTSD symptoms will just go away over time. But this is very unlikely, especially if you’ve had symptoms for longer than a year. Even if you feel like you can handle your symptoms now, they may get worse over time. Treatment can help even if your trauma happened years ago. And treatment for PTSD has gotten much better over the years. If you tried treatment before and you’re still having symptoms, it can be helpful to try again.

You and your therapist or doctor will work closely together, so it’s important that you feel comfortable asking questions and talking about your life. It’s always okay to look for a different therapist or doctor if you’re not happy or comfortable with the person you’re seeing.

There are many treatment options for PTSD. If you’re still unsure which treatment is the right step for you, contact us to set up a free consultation by phone. We can help you consider your options so you don’t have to shoulder your pain on your own.

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Dr. Sally Nazari
(845) 236-5612

Practicing States: NY, FL, MA, NC, VA, TX, OH

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