Individual Therapy

Do Any of The Following Resonate With You?

  • you've had a difficult situation in the past
  • you've set the ball in motion for changes but you feel stuck
  • you don't really understand yourself well
  • you know what you need to do to feel differently, but you have a hard time doing it and can't figure out why
  • nothing's really wrong but things in your life just don't feel quite right either

If so, therapy can help.

There is a time in everyone's life where we feel that we have hit a wall; we are overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated, and in need of some sort of change.  Have you hit the wall?  Do you feel that you're going through the motions, but not really connected to your own experiences?  Do you feel that despite always being busy, you're not really accomplishing what you want?  Does it feel that your relationships are being neglected or you're not quite how you would like them to be?  Are worryguilt, and doubt constant companions?  Are you even starting to experience physical symptoms, like headaches or stomach issues, because of the stress?

Often, many of us are trying to figure out which direction to go in our life. We find ourselves struggling because we have a hard time figuring out what we really want. We might feel "stuck" and so our sense of confidence and self worth take a hit.

Individual therapy can help us feel more comfortable with not knowing what steps we need to take next (or even where we want to end up) and also help untangle all of what stands in the way of helping us figure out what we want. This is key so that we can work together to bring you closer to the most confident, clear, focused version of you that shows up in your life instead of just reacting to whatever comes your way. We also focus on learning to be compassionate with ourselves while we figure it all out so that the journey can bring with it essential discoveries and growth. 

Making the decision to engage in therapy means that you are making an investment in yourself so that you commit to making your own well-being a priority. Your own needs may have fallen off the radar (or have never really been on the radar to begin with) and its time to start addressing them.  


Ready to make an appointment?  Have questions? Contact me to help explore what we may unlock for you together. 

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Looking for a way to slow down the overwhelming thoughts and feelings so you can bring your life to where you want it to be? Try it with my free Mindfulness toolkit here to get back on track and have the relationships you want, feel calm and centered, and create your life of celebration!

Get It Now!

Looking for a way to slow down the overwhelming thoughts and feelings so you can bring your life to where you want it to be? Try it with my free Mindfulness toolkit here to get back on track and have the relationships you want, feel calm and centered, and create your life of celebration!

Dr. Sally Nazari
(845) 236-5612

Practicing States: NY, FL, MA, NC, VA, TX, OH

[email protected]