Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy in Westchester, NY and Bronx, NYC

Individual Therapy in Westchester NY and Bronx NY

Individual therapy can help you resolve life, family, career and relationship difficulties and or transitions. Everyone has a certain pathway and purpose in their lives.

At times, we may rear off our course and need assistance getting back on track. Symptoms may arise of anxiety, depression, anger, and relationships struggles as a result of not being true to ourselves or can be the cause of such problems.

Some signs and symptoms of anxiety can include feeling tired, feeling restlessness or tense, increased heart rate, breathing rapidly, trouble with concentration, trouble sleeping or falling a sleep and difficulty controlling the worry.

Some signs and symptoms of depression can include guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, sadness, restlessness, fatigue, lack of concentration and weight gain or weight loss.

If your struggling with any of these symptoms, I can help and work with you to bring you back to living a happier, more rewarding life.

I provide individuals with a comfortable, non judgmental, caring, compassionate and confidential environment to help explore their feelings and work through challenging situations to help elicit change, a better understanding of themselves and others, set personal growth goals and work towards positive desired changes and outcomes.

Today is the day to turn over this new chapter in your life, give me a call so we can discuss, I would be honored to be apart of your journey.

Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow. - Unknown

Schedule an Appointment

You rock! Start your new chapter today.

Begin your journey with New Day, let today be your New Day to wellness


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Office Hours

In response to COVID-19 and efforts to flatten the curve & keep everyone healthy and safe at this time the office is offering all Telehealth sessions.





9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





