Contact Me

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If you CONTACT US by phone we will normally be able to return your call within 24 hours.

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If you are not already a client, the best way to contact us is by leaving a secure voicemail at (972) 886-0046. Please include in your voicemail (1) your name spelled out, and (2) your call back number repeated twice.

If you are already a client, you can leave your therapist a secure voice message at the number they provided you for this purpose, or leave them a secure email message through your Client Portal, My Messages feature.

Whether you are a first time caller or an existing client, we will normally be able to return your call within 24 hours. 


If you feel you are in an emergency situation or your situation becomes an emergency after you have left a message for your therapist, you should take whatever steps are necessary to make yourself and the people around you safe. This may include leaving your house, calling 911, or going to the nearest emergency room before you and your therapist can talk.

Office Hours

Monday - Saturday:

By Appointment


12:30 pm - 4:30 pm