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There are BENEFITS & RISKS associated with going into psychotherapy -- just as there are benefits and risks associated with not going into psychotherapy. The decision as to which alternative best meets your needs is yours to make.

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Psychotherapy is not for everyone, or anyone all the time. It is a tool for making life changes. If your life is going your way, there's probably no reason to do anything to change it. By the same token, even if things aren't going your way, if you can make the changes you'd like using tools with which you are already familiar, there may be no reason to add psychotherapy or anything new to your tool kit. On the other hand, postponing psychotherapy when you need it can lead to unnecessary personal, couples, family and financial costs just as postponing medical care when you need it can lead to unnecessary medical complications and expenses.

Generally speaking, people who choose to be in psychotherapy do so to achieve results defined by them as being in their own short or long term best interest. 

Common psychotherapy benefits include 

  • Significant relief from depression, anxiety, anger, grief, and guilt 
  • Help with personal relationships including marriage and family relationships 
  • Increased self esteem, personal growth, improved problem solving and stress management skills 
  • Resolution to specific problems 
  • And, even when being in psychotherapy does not result in a complete resolution of a particular reason for coming, many people find themselves better able to see their problems in a new more self empowered way.

However, the specific outcome of your personal psychotherapy cannot be guaranteed.

Although we will do everything possible to assist you in achieving your desired results, and despite everyone's best efforts, your desired results may not materialize. In fact, things could get worse during your psychotherapy. For this reason and because the number of your sessions will be limited, it will be essential that you let us know if at any time the results you are getting are not consistent with your expectations.

Office Hours

Monday - Saturday:

By Appointment


12:30 pm - 4:30 pm