
Getting Some Sleep? Part 1

A question often on people’s mind is ‘How much sleep do I need each night?’ Generally speaking, there is no single amount of sleep that ‘fits’ everyone. Most healthy adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. However, at the extremes, some people need only 4 hours of sleep and others require 10 hours of sleep. Moreover, a person’s sleep need might change depending upon life circumstances. At this point, it is important to remember that optimal amount of sleep lets us not only feel alert and energetic during the day, but it also allows us to best manage our emotions and reactions to the difficult things going on for us in our lives. READ MORE

A Simple Tool to Help Reduce Posttraumatic Stress

Recently, I shared some information on the impact of trauma with a closer look at how posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, affects us. There have been some questions as to whether these effects can be mitigating. In the last few days, I released a new Topic Expert article for discussing one practice for helping to decrease the impact of traumatic stress. READ MORE

How Can You Connect More In Your Relationships?

One of the areas of work I feel particularly passionate about in my practice is facilitating recovery after a traumatic incident. Last week, I began a discussion of trauma and PTSD, or posttraumatic stress disorder, one of my areas of specialty. READ MORE

A Closer Look at PTSD

One of the areas of work I feel particularly passionate about in my practice is facilitating recovery after a traumatic incident. Last week, I began a discussion of trauma and PTSD, or posttraumatic stress disorder, one of my areas of specialty. READ MORE  

What’s for Lunch?

It’s almost lunch time for most of us! What are you having for lunch today? And HOW are you having it? READ MORE

What Does a Typical Group Look Like?

You may have heard the buzz about my upcoming Mindfulness Matters group and might find yourself wondering what a typical group is like. I thought I would give you some details so that you can see how this might help serve you in learning to more deeply connect with what you want in your life, create more satisfying relationships, and improve your sense of self-worth and love! READ MORE  

Do You Have an Inner Critic Berating You?

Give Yourself Permission to Show Up Fully In Your Life!

In my practice, I see many people in the office who struggle with depression and low self-esteem who also want to get “perfect” work evaluations and be liked by everyone. READ MORE  

Showing Up Powerfully in Your Life

If you have ever said…
-I can’t focus or think straight
-I can’t seem to figure out what I want
-Everyone judges me
-I’m not good enough

How Would You Save Your Life?

Have you thought about what your Iife depends on? Or have you thought about the things that you do on a day to day basis that keep you going and preserve your safety? How about any situations you might have been in where you have thwarted danger? READ MORE  

The Vicious Cycle of Trauma and PTSD

As a Good Therapy Topic Expert, it is important to me to share information about the impact PTSD. In particular, with June the month of PTSD awareness, it is crucial to help provide accurate information about the struggles with this challenging experience. READ MORE

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Looking for a way to slow down the overwhelming thoughts and feelings so you can bring your life to where you want it to be? Try it with my free Mindfulness toolkit here to get back on track and have the relationships you want, feel calm and centered, and create your life of celebration!

Dr. Sally Nazari
(845) 236-5612

Practicing States: NY, FL, MA, NC, VA, TX, OH

[email protected]