Differences between Counseling and Coaching

As a licensed professional counselor, I have found that sometimes people do not use their health insurance for personal conflicts or professional dilemmas because they really don't want therapy. Sometimes they won't go to counseling because they want to avoid the stigma of mental illness. Or they simply don't need therapy; they do not have a diagnosable mental condition, and don't qualify for what insurance companies call "medical necessity."  

What was once known as "personal development counseling" or "spiritual growth," no longer falls under the category of therapy or counseling. It's hard to find through the usual therapy or psychological services because when a third party payer is involved, such as insurance or managed care, they define the nature of the counseling and won't pay for services for people who don't have a mental illness diagnosis. 

However, there's good news!  If you are seeking personal growth or professional development, you can work with a coach!

Coaching is for people who are well-adjusted and function normally in day-to-day life. They want to improve their performance at work or school. Or they want to make changes in their personal life.  Coaching requires they to be accountable as they make life changes. A coach is an equal partner to support them through planned or unplanned life transitions.  

Coaching services are personalized based on input from discussions and self-report questionnaires, and coaches do the following:

  • Listening deeply
  • Being a "sounding board"
  • Offering support and validation
  • Providing practical feedback
  • Tracking tasks aligned with stated goals
  • Holding them accountable and on task

If you are seeking coaching instead of counseling, I would be happy to provide these services and would love to talk over what you're needing.  Take this quiz: Are you coachable

My specialty in coaching is to encourage and support clients in using Energy Psychology techniques as they consider, ponder and follow-through on desired life changes.

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My Availability -- Office Hours










11:00 AM-7:00 PM


9:00 am-6:00 pm

