Rolling with the Changes: How to Turn Your Current Crisis into a Breakthrough

Depression is a mental health issue that affects over 263 million people worldwide. If you feel like you are cut-off from the world and in the midst of a mental health crisis, getting professional help is a must. For most of the people in the United States, going to therapy sessions in an actual office is out of the question due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is why working with mental health professionals that offer telemedicine therapy sessions is crucial. Not only will you need to work on a breakthrough during these sessions, but you also need to find ways to turn a bad period in your life into a lesson to learn from. Below are some things you can do to turn your current crisis into a breakthrough.

Make Self-Care a Priority

One of the first things you need to realize when trying to dig yourself out of a rut is that you have worth as a person. Individuals who consider themselves people-pleasers are often miserable because they don’t feel like anyone is taking care of them. Rather than letting your desire to please those around you make your crisis worth, you need to practice self-care.

Volunteering your time in service to other people is acceptable in some instances. However, you need to learn how to say no if you really don’t want to be burdened with the tasks a person is asking you to complete. Spending time doing things you enjoy rather than taking care of others can help you increase the amount of positivity in your life.

Getting Healthy is Beneficial

If you have been sitting in your home for months, feeling a bit depressed is understandable. It is your responsibility to find ways to shake these bad feelings. One of the best ways to focus on something other than your problems is by working out and getting healthy.

While you probably can’t go to the gym due to COVID-19, you can take walks or get some fitness equipment to put in your home. By working out and eating right, you will feel better about yourself. Before you start a new workout or diet, be sure to speak with your primary care doctor. They can give you some guidance regarding what type of programs work for your unique health needs.

Unplug For a While

Social media websites are ever-present in modern society. If you are like most people, you spend a lot of time posting on social media. Do you feel like some of your problems with mental health are coming from the constant fighting you see on popular sites like Facebook or Instagram? 

If so, it may be time to take a break from social media for a while. This will be hard at first, but it will be beneficial if you feel like living an online life is robbing you of joy in your actual life.

We Offer Telemedicine Therapy Sessions!

Do you need help getting through a rough patch in your life? If so, contact Transcendence Behavioral Health to find out about the services we offer.

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