

Individual Therapy:

Individual therapy can be a safe place for clients to reflect on feelings that are uncomfortable or raw. Friends, family members, co workers, lovers all have opinions, and it can be really comforting to sit in front of a therapist that respects emotional boundaries. 
When the client feels safe and validated with compassion, only then can vulnerable feelings be expressed more frequently with ease. By showing up for therapy you are setting an intention and holding yourself accountable in the growth process. There is tremendous value and power obtained by setting goals with the therapist and working with this through out the therapeutic process.

Couples Therapy: 

It takes a lot of courage to invite a third party to witness your private and personal relationship. However challenging it might seem to embark on this process, it can be tremendously healing when your partner is in the room with you witnessing your work.We work in pairs as humans and there is a lot more accountability when your partner is present especially when he/she/they can validate or contradict anything that's said at any point. This is what makes the work more real where every moment can have an alternative outcome with two perspectives in the room. It is common that as humans when we approach couples therapy we focus more on wanting our partners to change.Yet truly the change has to come from both sides.The path to progress is as important for change in our partners in tandem with ourselves. 

If you are interested in individual therapy or couples therapy, give us a call at 503-327-6440.

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