Parts Work / IFS ( Internal Family Systems )

This work involves addressing the parts of us that might be wounded and too vulnerable to be exposed. Out of fear of being further wounded, the part hides behind a shield of some form. This protecting shield might show up in the form of anger that is out of control ,  comfort eating, overwhelming anxiety or depression. This pained part is likely to be linked to the role that we played in the face of rejection or pain in our family of origin. Life teaches us to cover up these scared parts and it can become a part of what we believe to be our personality. However, when these parts start to take over our emotional relationships and we feel lost or out of control ,  it is during these times that asking for help can be of real benefit to us.

In this work, the therapist explores with the client ways to get permission from these defenses / shields or protectors that may have
been there for a long time. Its important to honor the role of the protectors and also explain how healing the wound that is been hidden might help the role of the protector. The more the client becomes aware of what is the real authentic self versus the defended self , the more confidence  and self compassion is experienced by the client.  

If you are ready to start healing , feel free to call to set up an appointment at 503-327-6440.

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